If you have read any of my character Morgan Snow’s posts on his Facebook page, then you know a pet peeve of his is people abusing handicap parking. I share that pet peeve with him, but I have another. It drives me nuts when you go to any parking lot for a store that uses shopping carts, to find those carts spewed across the parking lot because people are too lazy to take them to the racks. I also hate when people take the cart to the rack and then don’t put the cart into the little shopping cart rack like you are suppose to.
This morning I went to the Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market. As I was finishing putting my groceries into my truck this guy came up with his cart and from about eight feet away he shoved the cart towards the cart rack. The cart rolled across and collided with another cart inside the rack. The rack is designed to allow two rows of carts side by side. Apparently, no one that morning had the time to simply take the additional eight seconds it would have taken to put their cart up properly as there were several carts already in the rack in a helter-skelter manner.
I began rolling my cart towards the rack and managed to make eye contact with Mr. I’m Too Busy. It only took me a few seconds to rearrange the carts and slide them one into the other in a neat fashion. I managed to get back to my truck before Mr. I’m Too Important managed to pull out. His back-up lights were just coming on and his car was just about to ease out of the space, when I backed up and blocked his exit.
Was it childish on my part or just simply petty for me to put my truck in park, get out, and go back and pretend to be checking for something under the tunnel cover of my truck bed, while Mr. I’m In A Hurry sat trapped in his parking space? Maybe, but I enjoyed it!