I don’t think anyone really is. There have been a lot of news stories lately about the NSA listening into everything we do. It was, at one time, the FBI that we were concerned about. There is that one TV show called “Person of Interest” which is all about the “Machine” watching our every movement, and reporting on us to the government. However, I don’t know if I believe that or not. I am just...
Read MoreGuns – who needs them? No one! If you dismiss the recreational value of firing guns, as in target shooting, re-enactments, and other such activities, then there is really no need for them to exist. You no longer need to hunt for your food, so why do it? All the money spent on fancy guns, scopes, special clothing and boots, various accessories, fuel costs, and what-not probably far exceeds what you would spend for meat at the...
Read MoreFirst of all, just let me state for the record that I have nothing but admiration and respect for firemen. I’ve done some pretty dangerous stuff in my days, but no way am I running into a burning structure to save some guy I don’t know, nor his antique Mason jar collection. That being said, there is a ritual that occurs two or three times a year around OKC where our local firemen walk out into traffic at various...
Read MoreFirst of all, for the record, I love technology. I make the core of my living off of technology. That being said I tend to become even more frustrated than your average Joe over the failure of technology to work correctly. Last night I finished working in my office and decided to go watch a bit of TV before turning in for the night. I pressed the round command button located on the face of my IPhone 4S to wake the phone up. ...
Read MoreEveryday around the world amazing technological breakthroughs occur; some simple, some great. Some of these advancements move the scope of human knowledge ahead by fractions of an inch, while others are major leaps forward. Although many of the advancements come in the form of sophisticated electronics or computer technology, others come in the form of new discoveries in physics, chemistry, and various fields of science. Most of...
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