Jim Scott

Author of Snow Fall & Snow Angel

Who is really watching?

Posted By on Apr 12, 2017

I don’t think anyone really is. There have been a lot of news stories lately about the NSA listening into everything we do.  It was, at one time, the FBI that we were concerned about.  There is that one TV show called “Person of Interest” which is all about the “Machine” watching our every movement, and reporting on us to the government.  However, I don’t know if I believe that or not.  I am just wondering how many “earmarked”...

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What a day Dad had

Posted By on Apr 12, 2017

Remember biorhythms? I haven’t heard of them in years.  For you embryos that are too young to remember, there was this theory that your intellect, physical well being, and emotions each had a certain rhythm of highs and lows.  Each one had a different length and seldom were they ever in sync.  The idea was that you could plot a chart of your personal biorhythm, so that you would know when you were going to be at your best or worse....

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The Spirit of Christmas

Posted By on Apr 12, 2017

So I have a sort of late Christmas wish this year.  I wish the S.O.B. that invented glitter had a sprig of holly drove right through his black heart!  The damn stuff is everywhere.  Sweep – still there.  Vacuum – still there.  It just lays there on the floor blinking at you in that sick twisted sparkly way.  My wife even bought wrapping paper to of course match the decorations on the tree, despite the forest of partially used rolls in...

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The Meaning of Life

Posted By on Apr 12, 2017

What is the importance of a human life?  Everyone has their own answer. It’s relatively easy if you were asked what the value of your life was.  You would say it was worth everything to you, right?  There is nothing you would not do to save your life, is there?  You would kick, and fight, and claw, and literally do everything in your power to keep someone from being able to take your life from you, would you not? What about other...

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